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  • Chocolate glazed curd bar mango-passion fruit
    Десерт "Дитячий сирок &JOY з манго та маракуєю" Склад: кеш’ю (29%), вода, сироп агави, кокосове масло, маракуя пюре без насіння (8%), масло какао, какао терте, манго сушене, пектин яблучний, рослинний органічний пробіотик, ваніль Алергени виділені в складі жирним шрифтом. Продукція може містити часточки кісточок фруктів та горіхів.
    Білки:  5,57  г.
    Жири: 30.15 г.
    Вуглеводи: 22,43г.
    Калорійність: 382кКал / 100 г.
  • Chocolate glazed curd bar with vanilla
    Chocolate glazed curd bar with vanilla. Ingredients: сashew (30%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, cocoa butter, coconut milk, grated cocoa, agave syrup, plant organic probiotic, agar-agar, vanilla. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Proteins: 7,27 г.
    Fats: 34,8 г.
    Carbs: 44,14 г.
    Calories: 389,56 кКал / 100 г.
  • Chocolate glazed curd bar with condensed milk
    Chocolate glazed curd bar with condensed milk. Ingredients: сashew (30%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, cocoa butter, coconut milk, grated cocoa, agave syrup, plant organic probiotic, agar-agar, vanilla.
    Protein: 6,41 g
    Fat: 33,75 g
    Carbs: 10,89 g
    Calories: 371,61 kcal / 100 g
  • Cherry Chocolate Bar
    Coconut-cherry filling Cocoa-nut layer Chocolate glaze Ingredients Cashews, agave syrup, coconut butter, cherries, dates, cococnut flakes, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, beet juice. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 5 g
    Fat: 19 g
    Carbs: 28 g
    Calories: 240 kcal / 75 g
  • Curd with Raspberries &JOY
    Luscious curd cheese with raspberries Chocolate glaze Ingredients Cashews, agave syrup, water, cocoa butter, coconut oil, raspberries, cocoa powder, enzymes. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 4,5 g
    Fat: 24,46 g
    Carbs: 16,16 g
    Calories: 302,6 kcal / 70 g
  • Peanut Nougat Bar
    Peanut nougat with dates Chocolate glaze Ingredients Peanut paste, dates, coconut oil, almonds, cocoa butter, cocoa powder. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 5 g
    Fat: 21 g
    Carbs: 28 g
    Calories: 240 kcal / 75 g
  • Matcha-Lemon Chocolate Bar
    Coconut-lemon filling Nut layer with matcha Chocolate glaze Ingredients Cashews, agave syrup, matcha, cocoa butter, coconut flakes, lemons, dates, turmeric, cocoa-powder, almonds. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 5 g
    Fat: 19 g
    Carbs: 28 g
    Calories: 240 kcal / 75 g

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