• Brownie hazel

    Dessert "portioned brownies with hazel"

    Ingredients: date, cashew, cocoa powder, coconut oil, hazel (3%), almond flour, dry coconut milk, apple pectin, pink Himalayan salt

    Allergens are highlighted in the composition in bold.

    The product may contain particles of fruit and nut stones.

    Білки:  8,2 g
    Жири: 24,25g
    Вуглеводи: 43,36g
    Калорійність: 418,21Cal / 100g
  • Brownie pistachio

    Dessert "portioned brownies with pistachio"

    Ingredients: date, cashew, cocoa powder, coconut oil, pistachio (7%), almond flour, dry coconut milk, apple pectin, pink Himalayan salt.

    Allergens are highlighted in the composition in bold.

    The product may contain particles of fruit and nut stones.

    Білки:  8,6 g
    Жири: 24.4g
    Вуглеводи: 43,36g
    Калорійність: 415Cal / 100g
  • Chocolate glazed curd bar mango-passion fruit
    Десерт "Дитячий сирок &JOY з манго та маракуєю" Склад: кеш’ю (29%), вода, сироп агави, кокосове масло, маракуя пюре без насіння (8%), масло какао, какао терте, манго сушене, пектин яблучний, рослинний органічний пробіотик, ваніль Алергени виділені в складі жирним шрифтом. Продукція може містити часточки кісточок фруктів та горіхів.
    Білки:  5,57  г.
    Жири: 30.15 г.
    Вуглеводи: 22,43г.
    Калорійність: 382кКал / 100 г.
  • Ginger Beer, Fentimans 0.275 L
    A traditionally brewed ginger beer, suitable for vegans. Ingredients: carbonated water, fermented ginger root extract (water, glucose syrup, ginger root, pear juice concentrate, yeast), sugar, glucose syrup, pear juice concentrate, natural flavourings (ginger, lemon, capsicum), cream of tartar, citric acid, herbal infusion. Free of artificial flavours, preservatives, colours, or sweeteners. 
    Proteins: 0 g.
    Fats: 0 g.
    Carbs: 9 g.
    Calories: 39 Kcal/ 100 g.
  • Chocolate glazed curd bar with vanilla
    Chocolate glazed curd bar with vanilla. Ingredients: сashew (30%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, cocoa butter, coconut milk, grated cocoa, agave syrup, plant organic probiotic, agar-agar, vanilla. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Proteins: 7,27 г.
    Fats: 34,8 г.
    Carbs: 44,14 г.
    Calories: 389,56 кКал / 100 г.
  • Chocolate glazed curd bar with condensed milk
    Chocolate glazed curd bar with condensed milk. Ingredients: сashew (30%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, cocoa butter, coconut milk, grated cocoa, agave syrup, plant organic probiotic, agar-agar, vanilla.
    Protein: 6,41 g
    Fat: 33,75 g
    Carbs: 10,89 g
    Calories: 371,61 kcal / 100 g
  • Box Brownie white

    Set of 7 desserts

    Dessert "portioned white brownies "

    Ingredients: date, cashew, coconut oil, dry coconut milk, amarant, apple pectin, dried coconut, pink Himalayan salt, turmeric, raspberry sublimated powder.

    Білки: 5,94 g
    Жири: 26,37 g
    Вуглеводи: 45,71 g
    Калорійність: 434,32 Cal / 100g
  • Box Brownie Cherry

    Set of 7 desserts

    Dessert "portioned brownies with cherries"

    Ingredients: dates, cashews, cocoa powder, coconut oil, dry coconut milk, sublimated cherry powder, almond flour, sublimated cherry halves (2%), apple pectin, lemon juice, pink Himalayan salt.

    Allergens are highlighted in the composition in bold.

    The product may contain particles of fruit and nut stones.

    Білки:  7,48 g
    Жири: 21,83g
    Вуглеводи: 44,83g
    Калорійність: 397.61Cal / 100g
  • Box Brownie coconut

    Set of 7 desserts

    Dessert "portioned brownies with coconut"

    Ingredients: date, cashew, cocoa powder, coconut oil, almond flour, dry coconut milk, dried mango (2%), apple pectin, pink Himalayan salt.

    Allergens are highlighted in the composition in bold.

    The product may contain particles of fruit and nut stones.

    Білки:  7,75 g
    Жири: 24,39g
    Вуглеводи: 45,22g
    Калорійність: 420,78Cal / 100g
  • Box Brownie hazel

    Set of 7 desserts

    Dessert "portioned brownies with hazel"

    Dessert "Portioned Brownies with Hazelnuts"

    Ingredients: date, cashew, cocoa powder, coconut oil, hazelnut (3%), almond flour, dry coconut milk, apple pectin, pink Himalayan salt

    Allergens are highlighted in the composition in bold.

    The product may contain particles of fruit and nut stones.

    Білки:  8,2 g
    Жири: 24.25g
    Вуглеводи: 43,36g
    Калорійність: 418.21Cal / 100g
  • Box Brownie raspberry

    Set of 7 desserts

    Dessert "portioned brownies with raspberry"

    Ingredients: dates, cashews, cocoa powder, coconut oil, dry coconut milk, sublimated raspberry powder (3%), almond flour, sublimated raspberry grains (2%), apple pectin, lemon juice, pink Himalayan salt.

    Allergens are highlighted in the composition in bold.

    The product may contain particles of fruit and nut stones.

    Білки:  7,65 g
    Жири: 21.98g
    Вуглеводи: 46,6g
    Калорійність: 403.99Cal / 100g
  • Set of 4 bars &JOY

    In a set 4 bars: condensed milk, mango-passion fruit, vanilla, raspberries

    Ingredients mango-passion fruit: cashews (29%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, passion fruit puree without seeds (8%), cocoa butter, grated cocoa, dried mango, apple pectin, organic plant probiotic, vanilla

    Ingredients coconut condensed milk: сashew (30%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, cocoa butter, coconut milk, grated cocoa, agave syrup, plant organic probiotic, agar-agar, vanilla.

    Ingredients vanilla: сashew (30%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, cocoa butter, coconut milk, grated cocoa, agave syrup, plant organic probiotic, agar-agar, vanilla.

    Ingredients Raspberries: Cashews, agave syrup, water, cocoa butter, coconut oil, raspberries, cocoa powder, enzymes.
