(Русский) Чизкейки &JOY – тот случай, когда ожидание и реальность совпадают

Probably, people who do not love cheesecakes aren’t exist in nature. But if suddenly they are, they did not try Andjoy cheesecakes.

  • Assorti Cheesecake
    Delicate cashew cream with different fillings. Hazel basket with coconut chip. Ingredients: cashew nuts (23%), dried dates, almonds (12%), coconut oil, water, agave syrup, avocado, apple, passion fruit puree without seeds, coconut flakes, cherries, lime juice, walnuts (1%), juice beetroot, lemon juice, passion fruit puree with seeds, white sesame (0.5%), cocoa powder, dried cranberries, turmeric, lemon peel, organic probiotic, apple pectin, lime peel, nutmeg (0.07%), cinnamon (0.07%), chia seeds, Himalayan salt, vanilla, spirulina. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 9 g
    Fat: 30 g
    Carbs: 26 g
    Calories: 390 kcal / 100 g
  • Passion Fruit Cheesecake, 125g
    Cashew yogurt mousse covered with passion fruit glaze Nut (almonds, dates) crust with coconut flakes Ingredients: сashew nuts (19%), water, passion fruit puree without seeds, dried dates, almonds (12%), water, coconut oil, agave syrup, passion fruit puree with seeds, coconut flakes, white sesame (2%), beet juice, apple pectin, chia seeds, plant organic probiotic, turmeric. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 6,9 g
    Fat: 28,26 g
    Carbs: 27,63 g
    Calories: 388,3 kcal / 100 g
  • Passion Fruit Cheesecake, 750g
    Cashew yogurt mousse covered with passion fruit glaze Nut (almonds, dates) crust with coconut flakes Ingredients: сashew nuts (19%), water, passion fruit puree without seeds, dried dates, almonds (12%), water, coconut oil, agave syrup, passion fruit puree with seeds, coconut flakes, white sesame (2%), beet juice, apple pectin, chia seeds, plant organic probiotic, turmeric. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 6,9 g
    Fat: 28,26 g
    Carbs: 27,63 g
    Calories: 388,3 kcal / 100 g
  • Avocado-Lime Cheesecake,125g
    Luscious avocado cream with lime Nut crust with coconut flakes Decorated with coconut flakes and cashew cream Ingredients: avocado, dried dates, almonds (15%), coconut oil, agave syrup, lime juice, cashews (5%), coconut flakes, lime peel, spirulina. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 8 g
    Fat: 24  g
    Carbs: 29 g
    Calories: 370 kcal / 100 g
  • Avocado-Lime Cheesecake, 750g
    Luscious avocado cream with lime Nut crust with coconut flakes Decorated with coconut flakes and cashew cream Ingredients: avocado, dried dates, almonds (15%), coconut oil, agave syrup, lime juice, cashews (5%), coconut flakes, lime peel, spirulina. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 8 g
    Fat: 24  g
    Carbs: 29 g
    Calories: 370 kcal / 100 g
  • Caramel Cheesecake, 125g
    Cashew cream mousse with caramel and enzymes Almond and date crust Ingredients: cashews (24%), water, dried dates, coconut oil, almonds (16%), agave syrup, coconut flakes, organic plant probiotic, vanilla. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 10,7 g
    Fat: 38,6  g
    Carbs: 20,3 g
    Calories: 457 kcal / 100 g
  • Caramel Cheesecake, 750g
    Cashew cream mousse with caramel and enzymes Almond and date crust Ingredients: cashews (24%), water, dried dates, coconut oil, almonds (16%), agave syrup, coconut flakes, organic plant probiotic, vanilla. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 10,7 g
    Fat: 38,6  g
    Carbs: 20,3 g
    Calories: 457 kcal / 100 g
  • Lemon Cheesecake, 125g
    Cashew mousse with lemon juice and zest Nut crust with coconut flakes Decorated with lemon zest Ingredients: cashew nuts (33%), water, dried dates, almonds (12%), coconut oil, lemon juice, agave syrup, coconut flakes, sesame seeds (2%), turmeric, lemon zest. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 9 g
    Fat: 30 g
    Carbs: 26 g
    Calories: 390 kcal / 100 g
  • Lemon Cheesecake, 750g
    Cashew mousse with lemon juice and zest Nut crust with coconut flakes Decorated with lemon zest Ingredients: cashew nuts (33%), water, dried dates, almonds (12%), coconut oil, lemon juice, agave syrup, coconut flakes, sesame seeds (2%), turmeric, lemon zest. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 9 g
    Fat: 30 g
    Carbs: 26 g
    Calories: 390 kcal / 100 g
  • Cherry Cheesecake, 125g
    Cashew mousse with cherry bits Nut crust with coconut and cocoa powder Decorated with cranberries Ingredients: cashew nuts (30%), dried dates, almonds (11%), agave syrup, coconut oil, cherries, water, beet juice, cocoa powder, dried cranberries, coconut flakes. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 9 g
    Fat: 24 g
    Carbs: 29 g
    Calories: 370 kcal / 100 g
  • Cherry Cheesecake, 750g
    Cashew mousse with cherry bits Nut crust with coconut and cocoa powder Decorated with cranberries Ingredients: cashew nuts (30%), dried dates, almonds (11%), agave syrup, coconut oil, cherries, water, beet juice, cocoa powder, dried cranberries, coconut flakes. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 9 g
    Fat: 24 g
    Carbs: 29 g
    Calories: 370 kcal / 100 g
  • Apple Cheesecake, 125g
    Cashew mousse with apple slices and cinnamon Nut crust with coconut flakes Decorated with cinnamon and apple pastila Ingredients: cashews (24%), dried dates, apple, water, coconut oil, almonds (6%), walnuts (6%), agave syrup, coconut flakes, nutmeg (0.4%), cinnamon (0.4%), Himalayan salt. Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.
    Protein: 8 g
    Fat: 18 g
    Carbs: 29 g
    Calories: 370 kcal / 100 g

(Русский) Секрет наших чизкейков


  • Ни капли молока и творога – только растительные ингредиенты
  • Яркий вкус и нежная текстура
  • 100% натуральный и понятный состав
  • И, конечно же, без сахара, лактозы и глютена

(Русский) Вкусненькое должно приносить наслаждение и пользу!

Як готуємо?

  • (Русский) Ягоды, орехи, фрукты
  • (Русский) измельчаются
  • (Русский) шоковая заморозка -250C

(Русский) Хранить в холодильнике

(Русский) Чизкейки &JOY – это полезные вкусности, изготовлены из цельных ингредиентов. Финики, кешью, какао-порошок и кокосовое масло создают нежную и вкусную текстуру брауни, которая тает во рту.

Поскольку эти вкусности не содержат стабилизаторов и консервантов, они быстро тают без холодильника. Все заказы отправляем замороженными, чтобы десерты приезжали в идеальном состоянии.

После доставки или покупки не забудьте положить Брауни в холодильник.

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(Русский) Артём


(Русский) Большое спасибо за чудо-тортик!! Были все в восторге от такой красоты и вкусноты!

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(Русский) Большое спасибо за чудо-тортик!! Были все в восторге от такой красоты и вкусноты!

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